    • 单位名称:高蓓珥派珀管理咨询(上海)有限公司
    • 职位名称:质量检验组长
    • 工作地点:上海市静安区威海路696号9幢302室(集中登记地)
    • 基础月薪:5000元
    • 福利待遇:五险一金
    • 学历要求:高中以下
    • 工作年限:1年以上
    • 招聘人数:10人
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    • 职位描述
    工作使命 Mission组长向值班经理进行汇报,并负责在客户生产地点协助组织对指定项目每个小时的控制。The Team Leader reports to the Shift Manager and is responsible for supporting the organisation of the hour to hour control of the designated projects at the Customer.工作描述 Activities维持其指定项目或指定区域每个小时的运行。Organize the hour-to-hour function of their designated projects or area.确保所有检验员均按照G&P与 JLR HS&E的各项要求,安全、有效地开展工作。Ensure that all inspectors work in a safe and efficient manner consistent with the G&P and JLR HS&E requirements.与客户工程师/供应商就新项目启动事项进行沟通,确保收到恰当的测试计划与授权——包括检查小组停止列表(Group Stop List)。Liaise with Customer Engineers/Suppliers on new project set up to ensure correct Test Plan and authorisations are received including checking the Group Stop List.安排必要资源,通过检查技能矩阵确保实现部分检查目标。努力以一贯的标准委派检验员到特定项目,确保一致性。 Organise the resources required to ensure their section inspection targets are achieved through checking the skill matrix. Endeavour to ensure consistency allocation of Inspectors to particular projects for consistency.确保所有检验员理解所要求的测试计划,并能按照相关计划的要求以良好的物料流程(包括恰当的标签)开展工作。Ensure all inspectors understand and are capable of working to the required Test Plan with good material flow including appropriate labelling.针对相关项目,确保检验员有恰当的工具、恰当的个人防护设备及材料去执行测试计划所要求的活动。For the relevant project ensure the Inspectors are equipped with the correct tooling, personnel protective equipment and materials to carry out the required activities in accordance with the Test Plan确保高标准的检验员服装、外观形象并保持内务整洁。Ensure a high standard of inspector attire /appearance and housekeeping is maintained确保向值班管理人员提供技能培训更新,并将其纳入员工技能矩阵。Ensure skill training updates are given to the shift Management for inclusion in staff skill matrix.确保团队内的有效沟通,并确保与G&P员工、客户质量/管理支持团队之间的有效沟通。尤其要注意有关无法实现的商定生产节拍(分拣速度)时间的通信等待时间以及对其进行的改变。Ensure effective communication within the team, to G&P staff and with the client Quality/Mfg support teams. Particular attention should be paid to communicating waiting time and revisions to the agreed takt (sorting speeds) times found to unachievable.告知值班管理人员及客户监督(如适用)有关当前检查活动中所发现的问题。Advise shift management and Customer Supervision [if appropriate] of concerns identified during the ongoing inspection activities及时与值班管理人员及审核员合作解决分层审核中发现的任何问题。在专职审核员缺勤的情况下执行所要求的值班分层审核。Work with shift management and Auditors to resolve immediately any issues found in layered audits. In the absence of dedicated auditors carry out the required shift layered audits必要时亲自按照项目测试计划的要求执行相关检查活动。If required personally carry out the required inspection activities as needed in accordance with the project Test Plan确保及时完成其所控制全部项目要求的项目文书工作(如:测试计划、项目授权、风险评估与DRS),并确保相关工作达到项目标准要求。Ensure that the required Project paperwork [i.e. Test Plan, Project Authorisation, Risk Assessments and DRSs] is completed on time and to the required standard for all projects under their control.指定代表 Nominated Deputies在某组长缺勤的情况下,其职责由另一位组长或主管承担。In absence the role of Team Leader shall be carried out by another Team Leader or the Supervisor.
