    • 单位名称:佛吉亚(中国)投资有限公司
    • 职位名称:总经理助理
    • 工作地点:上海市闵行区元江路3438号
    • 基础月薪:3000元
    • 福利待遇:五险一金
    • 学历要求:本科
    • 工作年限:不限
    • 招聘人数:5人
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    • 职位描述
    1.Communicate the directions of the Plant Manager with each department Managers andor report the information submitted by each department accurately to Plant Manager.与各部门经理沟通落实工厂厂长的指令,并准确向工厂厂长汇报各部门的信息。 2.Help the PM to track some projects and communicate with all departments to foresee the risks give some advices and make some pre-acceptance.协助厂长进行一些工厂重大项目跟进,与各科室人员接洽沟通,对生产过程及结果中的问题、策略、建议进行预验收、预判断; 3. Collect and edit some daily files to help Plant Manager finish the weekly and monthly operation reports and OPS Review.负责工厂日常文件编辑,协助工厂厂长完成每月营运报告和营运审核。 4. Schedules and arranges meetings held by Direction. And take the meeting minutes as well as follow up the action plan.协助工厂厂长安排会议议程和组织会议,做会议记录并跟踪落实行动计划。 5.to submit each departments profiles that was demanded clear logical and formatted 对各部门递交文件进行前期审查验收,讲求文件在直观数据支持的情况下,条理清晰、格式规范地表达所述内容,并探究其可行性; 6. Arrange visitors agenda reception and some daily routine. 担任工厂厂长访客行程协调和接待及其他日常事务处理。 7.Translate Interpret in English language.担任公司英语口译和笔译。 NPP others: 1. Know the purpose of Non-production material enquiry and take control on the purchase schedule of them.了解物料用途,负责非生产询价及采购进度协调 2. Assist to satisfy special internal needs and promote payment flow to suppliers of non-production material. 了解熟悉工厂内部流程,协助推动内部人员非生产需求满足及外部供应商结账问题 3. Control the cost of purchase material by negotiating with suppliers explore new co-operators if necessary.通过供应商开发,商务谈判等降低非生产性物料的成本 4. Maintain the sales data in SAP. SAP系统维护销售数据 任职要求: 1.Bachelor degree of HR English or management.本科及其以上学历,英语或管理类专业; 2.Drive commitment and energy ability to sell and convince积极主动,工作负责,具有很强的沟通能力 3. Good reading writing listening speaking of English;良好的英语听说读写能力。 4.Excellent interpersonal planning and presentation skills.良好的人际关系和规划,演讲技巧 5.Tenacity and focus on details注重和关注细节 6.2019届优秀应届生及2年内往届生均可。 微信分享
