    • 单位名称:普旭真空设备国际贸易(上海)有限公司
    • 职位名称:资深采购专员
    • 工作地点:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区台中南路2号新贸楼217室
    • 基础月薪:12000元
    • 福利待遇:五险一金
    • 学历要求:本科
    • 工作年限:5年以上
    • 招聘人数:4人
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    • 职位描述
    职责描述: Duties and Responsibilities: 1. 根据公司的采购程序维护现有合格供应商,并建立和更新供应商数据库; 根据采购需求开发新的供应商,与供应商质量管理团队完成对潜在供应商的评估和选择及整合工作; Maintain incumbent qualified suppliers according to company purchasing procedure establish and refresh supplier database. Develop new suppliers according to purchasing requirement work with Supplier Quality Management team to complete the process of potential supplier evaluation selection and consolidation. 2. 负责各类零部件、工具、设备或服务类需求的供应商询价、交货期确认和价格谈判工作,确保满足相关质量和技术要求; Responsible for supplier quotation lead time confirmation and price negotiation of various components tools equipment or service requirements to ensure the relevant quality and technical requirements to be satisfied. 3. 负责采购协议的洽谈,采购合同的签订和管理,审查供应商报价并在预算限制和权限范围内协商合同; Responsible for purchasing agreement negotiation purchasing contract signing and management. Review vendor quotations and negotiate contracts within budgetary limitations and scope of authority. 4. 与采购团队配合,跟踪物料的到货进度; 及时协调解决采购、生产、客户服务等过程中产生的供货问题; Cooperate with the purchasing team to track delivery progress of materials; Coordinate to solve supply problems during the period of purchasing production and customer service. 5. 监控供应商所提供的产品与服务,与供应商协商处理不合格品与服务; 支持供应商质量管理团队完成供应商纠正措施的落实以提高供应商服务质量以满足或超出公司对供应商KPI的要求; Monitor the products and services provided by the supplier. Negotiate with suppliers to deal with nonconforming products and services; Support Supplier Quality Management team to complete the implementation of supplier corrective actions to improve suppliers performance to ensure it meets or exceeds company KPI. 6. 根据公司KPI实现成本降低目标; Base on company KPI to achieve cost down target for related products. 7. 主管安排的其他任务。 Other tasks assigned by supervisor. Knowledge Skills and Abilities: 1. 精通谈判及成本控制技能; Excellent skill of negotiation cost controlling. 2. 熟悉供应商开发、评估、选择和管理流程; Familiar with supplier development evaluation selection and management procedure. 3. 熟悉质量体系基本知识; Familiar with ISO Quality System. 4. 具备团队合作精神,抗压能力强; Team work spirit and strong ability to work under pressure. 5. 良好的计算机能力。 Good computer skills. Qualifications Training and Experience: 1. 本科及以上,机械相关专业; Bachelors degree (Mechanical or equivalent). 2. 5年以上制造业方面的采购经验,有系统或撬装相关部件采购经验者优先; 5 years relevant experience of mechanical procurement. Experience in purchasing systems or related parts is preferred. 3. 良好的中英文读写及沟通能力。 Good verbal and written communication skills in English and Chinese.
