    • 单位名称:华赛天成管理技术(北京)有限公司
    • 职位名称:FSCCOC审核员
    • 工作地点:北京市朝阳区东三环中路乙10号艾维克大厦21层2102-03A号
    • 基础月薪:3000元
    • 福利待遇:五险一金
    • 学历要求:大专
    • 工作年限:1年以上
    • 招聘人数:9人
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    • 职位描述
    任职要求Required Qualifications: 1、 林学类、理工类、经管类等专业本科或以上学历; Dendrology、Ecology、Sociology or relevant majors degree-holder (science or engineering bachelor degree as a minimum) 2、 具备FSC CFCC审核员资格; 具有CCAA注册ISO9001ISO14001ISO45001审核员资格; Qualified auditor for FSC CFCC ; With ISO9001ISO14001ISO45001 auditor qualification certified by CCAA a 3、 3年以上工作经验,其中有2年以上木制品加工行业或相关行业质量管理工作经验,熟悉企业运作; 6 years or above working experience including 2 years quality management experience in wood industries and related industries familiar with the operation of enterprises; 4、 良好的英语口头和书面和表达能力和沟通能力; 能够独立完成审核和英文审核报告; Good oral English written English presentation skills and communication skills; able to conduct the audit and complete audit report in English; 5、 诚信的工作作风及团队合作精神; Honest and team work; 6、 具备项目管理能力和客户服务意识和经验; With project management capabilities and customer service experience; 岗位职责Responsibility: 1、 熟练掌握FSCCOC体系认证的系统审核程序; Familiar with FSCCOC management system certification audit procedures ; 2、 根据客户申请,对客户体系文件进行审核; According to the customer application make the file review; 3、 按照公司分配的审核任务,编制审核计划,依照相关体系标准,评估客户管理体系的符合性,帮助客户识别出管理体系中存在的弱点和问题并出具审核报告; According to the audit tasks to prepare the audit plans assess customer management system in accordance with the relevant system standards to help customers identify the weaknesses and problems that exist and make audit report ; 4、 向客户提出改进意见和建议,及时和客户进行反馈和沟通(口头与书面); Suggest improvements to customers make oral and written customer feedback and communication timely ; 5、 协助市场和客服人员进行技术支持工作并维护重点客户关系; Helping sales market and customer service to maintaining key customer relationships; 6、 协助培训部完成培训项目的实施。Assist in the training department to complete the implementation of training programs.
