    • 单位名称:牡丹江基纳瑞克斯生物制药有限公司
    • 职位名称:采购专员
    • 工作地点:黑龙江省牡丹江市海林市经济开发区东旭路7号
    • 基础月薪:2000元
    • 福利待遇:五险一金
    • 学历要求:本科
    • 工作年限:不限
    • 招聘人数:5人
        • 该信息联系方式已被隐藏,登录后方可查看!
    • 职位描述
    1. Manage Purchase Requisition Log (including issue Purchase Requisition Numbers,ensur forms are completely an d properly completed, maintain status of all open purchase requisition numbers,archive closed purchase requisitions). 管理采购申请目录(包括发放采购申请编号,保证表格填写的正确性与完整性,维护未 完成的采购申请单的编号,将已完成的采购申请存档)。2. Manage contract tracking sheet an d contract archive files. 管理合同跟踪表,以及合同归档文件夹。3. In accordance with the requirements of each department qualify suppliers to ensure that they are financially capable of providing the required goods an d services. 根据每个部门的需求,审核供应商确保他们有能力提供我们需要的货物与服务。4. Identify vendors for goods, equipment an d materials based on purchase requisitions an d establish service agreements/contracts. 根据采购申请识别货物、器材以及材料,并且建立服务协议/合同。5. Ensure that suppliers of goods an d services provide appropriate insurances and warranties.确保供应商提供的货物与服务有适当的保险与担保。6. Establish credit acCounts an d terms with suppliers of goods an d services to OncoGenerix. 对提供给基纳瑞克斯货物和服务的供应商建立信用账户和付款条款。7. Track vendor invoices an d notify associated department upon receipt. 跟踪供应商发票并在收到时告知有关部门。8. Collect base data for budget an d priority payment sheet. Track vendor payments. 为预算及付款优先级表收集基础数据,跟踪供应商的付款情况。9. Verify that procured items have been delivered an d are received in good order. 核实需要的物料项目已经发货并且有序接收。10. Advise suppliers of defective materials an d manage supplier returns. 通知材料有缺陷的供应商并管理供应商的退货。11. Translate document modifications. 翻译修改的文件。12. Responsible for purchasing transportation duties, when required. 如果有需要时,将负责采购用车工作。24
