    • 单位名称:必达(天津)家畜饲养设备有限公司北京分公司
    • 职位名称:销售支持经理
    • 工作地点:北京市朝阳区望京中环南路9号3号楼13层AB区
    • 基础月薪:0元
    • 福利待遇:五险一金
    • 学历要求:本科
    • 工作年限:5年以上
    • 招聘人数:6人
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    • 职位描述
    工作职责: 1、Manage the day-to-day activities of the sales support team so that the organizations sales force is effectively supported and all sales transactions are processed efficiently and accurately; 管理销售支持团队的日常运作以确保高效且准确的为销售提供支持; 2、Plan prioritize and schedule the teams activities so that resources are used effectively and that work schedules and targets are met; 计划和安排团队分工确保团队资源有效利用,按时且高质地完成各项工作; 3、Identify issue or problem then take necessary actions to improve the performance level; 识别部门可能存在的问题或缺陷从而建立相应流程提高工作效率; 4、Liaise with Sales Purchasing logistics finance and etc. team to ensure that sales support activities are integrated with other parts of the business; 与销售、采购、物流、财务等相关部门密切联系和配合,确保销售业务的顺利开展; 5、Maintain and improve efficiency of quotation at the highest level of efficiency; Regularly summarize the information of quotation order for decision-making. 确保高效率的报价反馈给销售; 定期对报价、订单数据进行汇总,为公司决策提供依据。 6、Ensure accurate order entry and effective delivery plan; 确保订单信息输入准确及合理发货时间; 7、To complete preliminary review of external project (such as non-standard contract supplemental agreement statement) to avoid company risks. 在销售过程中使用的非标合同补充协议声明进行初审,规避风险。 8、Monitor the quotation and the order status of key customerproject make sure the information is correct and complete and provide meaningful reports for company decision-making. 监控大客户关键客户的关键项目的报价,订单情况,确保信息的正确及完整性,提供合适的报告,以供公司进行决策使用。 9、Provide sales analysis report top management for necessary action; 向公司管理层提交相关销售数据分析报告; 10、Other relevant tasks maybe arranged by line manager or company; 上级经理或者公司安排的其他工作。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历; 物流、外贸、管理等相关专业; 2、五年以上相关销售支持管理经验; 3、有外企工作背景优先; 英语听、说、读、写能力强;
